Hello Followers,
I placed my tumblr link down below and sorry if you visited it and found nothing amusing! I really want to expand my followers so I'm going to try to get more. I've been looking on http://www.etsy.com/ and found some really cute clothing and accessories! I have two favorite shops on there http://www.etsy.com/shop/pineapplepop?ref=seller_info this one has the darlingest dresses that are unique and one of a kind.

Another Store on Etsy.com I like http://www.etsy.com/shop/swankness This store has many fun accessories and some clothing. This Sweater/Cardigan is only $28, but I don't think the size is right for me :( Also the maker this Sweater has many YouTube videos on Beauty and Fashion that are really fun and entertaining. http://www.youtube.com/user/gclauds
So check out her YouTube channel! Also gclauds also has a blog here on Blogspot and : http://gclauds.blogspot.com/ here is that.

When I said I only liked two stores on http://www.etsy.com/ that was a lie! I like almost all of the stores on there but I also really like http://www.etsy.com/listing/63746439/sailor-tutu-petticoat-dress-red-white?ref=sr_gallery_1&ga_search_query=petticoat+dress&ga_page=6&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_facet=handmade

This other dress I found on http://www.etsy.com/. is simple yet not and goes with my style but my mother once again said not but this time it was because it would make me look really white. Which is probably true because I admit I'm white as a ghost http://www.etsy.com/listing/69779608/love-lockdown-lock-and-key-print-dress?ref=sr_gallery_3&ga_search_query=love+lockdown&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_facet=handmade
This dress is $96, and the maker GinaMichlleEco can make it in sizes 2-10 and takes about 10 days to create.

Ok! This coat by far is the most AMAZING coat I have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!! I honestly would cut off my arm for this, Eek that sounds a little self mutilating... Ohhh well! Anyways this coat reminds me of something Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter would wear! People would make fun of me for wearing this but honestly they are just jel@. This costs $298 and I know my family might disown me if i wear this but they just are timid when it comes to fashion, except Betsy. Also I know the only people at my school who wouldn't laugh would be my friends Baili and Rochelle.http://www.etsy.com/listing/68542596/reserved-for-luna-one-of-a-kind-tattered?ref=sr_gallery_5&ga_search_query=unique+coats&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_facet=handmade
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The colors on this are a little unique I would go for the blue scheme but that's just me!
Sorry If this post is too long or anything, I just had so many cute items I wanted to share!! Also I want to make YouTube videos but I'm not sure what to make them on. I would also like in the near future to make an Esty shop because I enjoy making Headband & Jewelry. Please pass my blog around and comment on anything! Also check out http://thefashionraider.blogspot.com/ because that is the most fashionable person I know, my friend Baili's blog! Thanks for reading bye bye!